If you have shelved the idea of making money with real estate because you don’t have much money saved or you don’t have the knowledge or conviction, you may change your belief once you learn all about real estate wholesaling.

Real estate wholesaling can be done with little to no investment, and with the correct knowledge in place, all someone needs to start making up to multiple five figures per deal is an internet connection and a cell phone.

Hold My Hand Wholesale is a private Discord group that has been dedicated to revealing the ins and outs of the wholesale game since 2022. Led by highly profitable and seasoned investor Richard Taylor, HMHW benefits its fast-growing group of members with solid and actionable advice on how to win in real estate wholesaling.

Let’s learn more about the man behind the ultra-successful group, why you should consider wholesaling real estate, and how you can join today.

Meet the Team

@richardgrandintaylor on IG, @hold_my_hand_wholesale on TikTok

The HMHW team is led by Richard Taylor, who is in charge of acquisitions and deal making. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate between the real and the fake business gurus online, as it seems like anyone nowadays can make false claims about expertise in a certain area and still manage to fool people.

This can be especially true in the realm of those dropping real estate advice, but in the case of Richard Taylor, he is definitely the real deal.

Taylor, a recent college graduate, studied all aspects of real estate for years in his free time. As a college student with limited funds, he managed to start profiting with wholesaling which he used to fund the start of his empire, Grandin Taylor Properties. 

taylor instagram

His Instagram and YouTube channel contain a goldmine of applicable advice for those looking to learn about exactly how he makes money wholesaling real estate, complete with real life examples and live social proof from real estate professionals that he has done successful deals with.

Unlike some other “gurus” in the space, Taylor lets the examples do the talking, and has no need to flash any of the income he makes for any other reason than to inspire and to show what is achievable if one decides to wholesale real estate.

Chris Gallagher, another core member of the team, is the go-to guy when it comes to advice on dispositions, which, simply put, is a process you need to do and understand in order to cash out your real estate investment. 

He’s also the mastermind behind Buy Box Cartel, a proprietary software that shows you unsold properties on Zillow and simultaneously matches you with hedge funds that are willing to pay a profitable price for them. Buy Box Cartel is a site that is exclusive to HMHW Discord group members.

Why Real Estate Wholesaling?

Real estate investing is one of the most common vehicles of wealth creation and preservation for multimillionaires. However, especially in recent times, buying a house is becoming increasingly out of reach for most people, so many don’t consider even trying with real estate. Additionally, realizing a profit in traditional real estate investing requires sitting on a property for an extended period of time, and then either selling it for more or renting it out for a positive cash flow while still having the burden of a mortgage.

One way to become involved in real estate without the liability of a loan or large amounts of money is to become an agent, but this takes an investment in time and money to get licensed, and after that it’s still quite a hustle to make a name for yourself and to carve yourself a spot in the competitive market.

Wholesaling in real estate offers a solution that even those without a real estate license or even any money to invest can arrange profitable deals. Not only can you make deals happen with little previous experience, but you will make money much more quickly and without any debt or other risk that someone who needs to wait to make a return on their property while underwater in a mortgage has.

While studying and practicing wholesaling, you will learn valuable skills that will benefit you even more than the money that you can make, including developing an understanding of the real estate market in general, and how to connect with the right people and negotiate effectively.

However, real estate wholesaling is not a secret silver bullet. It’s not totally risk-free, and many beginners start out in this game only looking at the potential upside and leave completely empty-handed and discouraged after spending valuable time and effort attempting to succeed in the game.

This is the reason that having a mentor or a dedicated environment to learn and practice wholesaling is incredibly important to anyone who is considering it. Hold My Hand Wholesale is an all-in-one solution that will give you these benefits and more.

The Real Estate Wholesaling Game Revealed 

real estate wholsaleing

If you want to learn from the top 1% of real estate wholesalers and see exactly how they find, structure, and profit from deals, look no further than Hold My Hand Wholesale.

As a member of HMHW, you’ll become part of an elite group that is within the immediate circle of Richard Taylor and other top dog real estate pros.

You’ll gain access to regular masterminds led by Richard and other guests with impressive backgrounds and credentials in real estate. The time value you get is absolutely insane–HMHW goes live 37 hours per week with updated advice, so instead of going through a short course that might quickly become outdated, you can access real-time strategies and examples that the best are currently using to cash in with real estate wholesaling and deal-making.

On top of all of the mentorship and high level connections, you’ll get access to proprietary software valued at $60,000–BuyBoxCartel.com-for free as a member of the Hold My Hand Wholesale private Discord group.

It will be hard not to succeed if you get involved and apply your knowledge in your local region, and you can grow alongside the many other members who are all at various different levels in the game and willing to help each other out.

Selecting Your Membership

HMHW membership

Hold My Hand Wholesale has a straightforward pricing plan that is a monthly subscription.

At just $19.99 per month, it is one of the more affordable and value-packed options when it comes to premium Discord memberships.

Upon successful payment, you’ll get immediate access to their Discord which includes a welcome guide, several different helpful channels, and the regular mastermind meetings.

👉 You can join Hold My Hand Wholesale here today.

Hold My Hand Wholesale: Next Level REI


Joining Hold My Hand Wholesale can be the first step of an amazing journey in learning about and practicing the fun and profitable game of real estate wholesaling and dealmaking.

The moment you join the group, you’ll get the blueprint of how to go from knowing absolutely nothing about real estate or wholesaling, to having a roadmap, to bagging your first profitable deal and building a pipeline to keep them coming in regularly. Start your journey in the incredibly flexible and rewarding career of real estate wholesaling today!

Wholesaling Real Estate FAQs

How do you make money from wholesaling real estate?

Making money from wholesaling real estate involves finding undervalued properties, securing a contract at a low price, and then selling this contract to an investor for a higher price. Profit is made from an assignment fee or the difference in price. While this is simple in theory, you’ll need to build a core set of skills related to market analysis, property valuation, negotiation and making valuable connections to close deals with. Additionally, you’ll need to understand the correct procedure including all legalities and paperwork surrounding these contracts.

How do I sell a wholesale contracts?

Once you’ve done your research and secured a wholesale contract at a price that you assume can be profitable, you’ll eventually sell it to a motivated buyer at a profitable price. In order to get to the sale, you’ll need to prepare by compiling a list of qualified and motivated buyers and learn how to make your deal attractive and to present it clearly. Finally, you’ll need to understand how to properly transfer your rights to the property to the buyer and finalize the deal, involving an attorney if necessary. 

What are the risks and benefits of wholesaling real estate?

The main benefit of wholesaling real estate compared to traditional real estate investing is the ability to start with minimal upfront investment and without the burden and risk of long term ownership. You’ll also learn valuable skills such as how to perform effective market research, high-stakes negotiation, and how to network. However, wholesaling real estate isn’t without risks, which can come through legal issues, ending up with a worthless contract, and spending time and effort making no money in an environment that presents little to no opportunities.

How can software help me find wholesale deals?

Manual market research can be incredibly time intensive, so to serve this need for making this process more efficient, some people have built software that compiles relevant data within an easy-to-use interface so you can get a quicker snapshot of the market. This will allow you to act with speed and conviction, two essential skills for securing profitable wholesale contracts. Hold My Hand Wholesale offers access to its custom software BuyBoxCartel, which finds and shows deals that have the highest profit potential in addition to providing an environment to connect with qualified and motivated buyers.

Where do I find buyers for my wholesale contracts?

No matter how good a deal that you have is, you can’t make any money if you don’t know how to find a buyer that you can make a profitable deal with. Finding a qualified buyer comes through a network that you can build by attending meetings and conferences, partnering with real estate agents, or using a public platform like LinkedIn for cold manual outreach. Focus more on building relationships and win-win deals so that you create and maintain a positive reputation that will last.